Pelvic floor rehabilitation is for men and women. It is a highly specialized treatment provided by a registered physiotherapist.
Benefits of Chiropractic care during pregnancy
Breasts are treated using a combination of general Swedish massage, connective tissue work, and manual lymph drainage.
Most women experience breast pain at some point or another. Breast tissue is susceptible to restriction, congestion, and pain like any other soft tissue in the body. Symptoms can show up as mild to severe discomfort, tenderness, soreness, sensitivity, swelling, or pain. Registered Massage Therapists are trained and regulated in breast massage, however our resident expert Asha Mokrosz has advanced training and over 10 years experience. Massage Therapy is a natural way to relieve these symptoms. Since breast tissue responds very quickly to treatment clients can often feel a significant difference after only one session. For more information please call the clinic to schedule free 10 min consultation either over the phone or in person with Asha
The benefits of infant massage include: