• What happens during the first visit?
• What should I wear to my treatments?
• Is there parking?
• How long are treatments?
• How much notice is required to cancel
my appointment and is there a fee for canceling?
• I think I have tendonitis. What can I do to fix it?
• Should I use ice or heat for my pain?
• Do I need a doctor referral to start treatment at TRCC?
• Will OHIP pay for my Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Athletic Therapy, or Acupuncture visits?

What happens during the first visit?

First, the new patient intake forms need to be filled out. We require information about your current health history, family history of conditions, your past health history and other general health information. This form can be filled out when you arrive at the clinic.This information will be thoroughly reviewed and you will be asked a number of other questions pertaining to your current complaint and general health.Next a complete assessment of how your muscles and joints are moving and how your nervous system is operating will completed. This may include any of the following: posture and gait analysis, range of motion tests, orthopaedic testing, muscle testing to determine strength and firing pattern of muscles, neurological testing and functional testing of movement patterns. The assessment will help to determine the true cause of your pain, injury or poor performance- not just the area that is bothering you.Following the assessment, a treatment program is designed and administered specific to your condition.

What should I wear to my treatments?

Please wear comfortable clothing to your physiotherapy, chiropractic, athletic therapy, or massage sessions.  Appropriate exercise clothing and shoes are required for the active program.  A pair of shorts is  also required for treatment of lower-body injuries (e.g. knee, ankle)

Is there parking?

Yes, we have parking onsite at the back of the building.

How long are treatments?

Typical Chiropractic and Physiotherapy treatments are scheduled for 20 minutes. Extended treatment sessions of 40 minutes are available. Initial assessments are scheduled for 40-60 minutes. Registered Massage Therapy treatments may be 30-90 minutes.    Athletic Therapy treatments are 30 minutes and assessments are scheduled for 60 minutes.

How much notice is required to cancel my appointment and is there a fee for canceling?

We require 24 hours notice for any cancellation, to give us enough time to accommodate other patients who hope to book an appointment time on that day. A charge of 50% of the treatment fee will apply for each missed appointment with less than 24 hours notice. In the case of an emergency, please contact us as soon as you can.

I think I have tendonitis. What can I do to fix it?

Tendonitis means inflammation of a tendon – the fibrous tissue that attaches a muscle to bone. This could occur at any muscle insertion point in the body, but people most commonly experience symptoms at the shoulder, elbow, arch of the foot, or at the heel (Achilles tendon). Symptoms of elbow tendonitis – a.k.a. golfer’s elbow and tennis     elbow – can include pain while gripping or holding an object, opening a jar or turning a     door handle. Symptoms of foot tendonitis – a.k.a. plantar     fasciitis – can include pain     with weight bearing especially upon waking or tenderness     to touch. Standard     treatments such as rest, icing, stretching or massage can often be effective.

New research has shown that tendons under long term stress do not experience inflammation but actually undergo damaging structural changes, leading to pain and dysfunction. A degenerative injury of this nature – referred to as a tendinosis – will be resistant to standard treatments.

So what do you do if standard treatments are not helping your injury? Your first step would be to have the problem assessed by someone qualified to diagnose musculo-skeletal disorders, such as a Chiropractor, Physiotherapist or Athletic Therapist. A tendinosis requires focused soft-tissue therapy to repair the damaged fibers. Hands on Myofascial Release Techniques, and Instument Assisted Release Techniques are two  such specialized treatments that will set a damaged tendon on the road to a quick recovery. Dr. Sulatycki practices these techniques. Don’t let that chronic injury keep you from being active this summer! Contact a qualified health professional such as Dr.Sulatycki today.

Should I use Ice or Heat for my pain?

It depends on the type of injury and the length of time that you have been suffering from it. Both ice and heat provide modest pain relief. However, ice also provides an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, for recent acute injuries it is advisable to ice for thefirst 24-48 hours after onset. The recommended frequency is 10 minutes of ice  followed by 10 minutes of rest. You can repeat this cycle as often as necessary. Common methods of applying cold are ice cubes in a plastic baggie, a frozen gel pack, or a bag of frozen peas. For the brave of heart, an ice water bath for injured hands or feet can be used. However, in this case, you should only submerge the injured body part for 5 minutes.

The application of heat is useful for chronic conditions. Often pain resulting from osteoarthritis or chronic stiffness responds well to heat. Heat can be applied with the use of heating pads, hot water bottles, microwavable bean bags or gel packs. The use of moist heat will provide better penetration and more comfort. Heating for 20 minutes to 1 hour is suitable for most conditions.

These recommendations are provided as general information for common painful conditions. Ultimately, if you suffer from severe pain or a pathological condition, an assessment from a regulated health professional is required. TRCC specializes in the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. We are your local one- stop- shop for all of your physiotherapy, chiropractic, athletic therapy, massage therapy and acupuncture treatments.

Do I need a doctor referral to start treatment at TRCC?

No, we do not need a doctor referral to assess you and begin treatment. However, some insurance companies may require a doctor referral in order to issue payments for your treatments.

Will OHIP pay for my Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Athletic Therapy or Acupuncture visits?

No, TRCC is not considered an OHIP funded clinic. Your treatment may be covered by:
• Extended Health Benefits
• Car Insurance if a result of a Motor Vehicle Accident
• WSIB if a result of a work-related injury

Contact TRCC


Richmond Hill

Fax: 905-695-0990